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W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Maybe they are all bad, but I still think it suck taht US forces can just go and kill ppl they like and then brag about it on TV, saying "it is a good day for the Iraqui ppl"

Then that fuck Blair gets his brown nose in there as well, trying to score some points.

Makes me sick...

The US gvnt or the UK gvrnt?


W:O:A Metalhead
7 Aug. 2002
Avesta, Sweden
The UK government. At least the British still have the guts to criticise the powers that be, even if the leader is on a leash.
A columnist once made the observation: "The UK foreign policy is like an old man with a sniper rifle. The US foreign policy is like a three-year-old with a machine gun."

Ann Coulter or Julius Streicher?


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Originally posted by mugabe
The UK government. At least the British still have the guts to criticise the powers that be, even if the leader is on a leash.
A columnist once made the observation: "The UK foreign policy is like an old man with a sniper rifle. The US foreign policy is like a three-year-old with a machine gun."

LOL!! True indeed. Sad, but true. Truer still because Bush has about as much grasp of diplomacy as a three-year-old would.

Anyhow - I'll pick Streicher, because at least he's dead and can do no more harm. Coulter's even more sinister...for constantly harping on the conflict of "liberal vs. conservative"...helping insure that, for the forseeable future, politics in the US will always be reduced to "us vs. them". This is why I'm apathetic about politics - people like her making cheap sport out of the very serious business of running a country.

Wacken: Friday night or Saturday night?
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