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W:O:A Metalmaster
17 Aug. 2010
Bei Erlangen
"Excuse me, do you have any of those things to help you find your keys? Like you push a button and it tells you where they are? Because my husband loses his teeth all the time and..."

Can't tell if that was better or worse than the guy who bought a phone card, looked like a hobo, and had gross 3-4in long nails that were so yellow and brown I don't think he washed them in years... :eek:


Good Morning :)


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
I guess my dad and I both thought there'd be way less people than last time we were there (it was during Christmas holidays). The weather was so perfect today I guess they all had the same idea :o Ah well, we got to go on the rides we missed out on last time (the lines were super duper long) and I got my money's worth from my VIP pass :)


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
I hate my school.

I was looking up whether a particular class had opened up and noticed that my schedule was different. One of my classes has an entirely different teacher - and he sucks. Badly. No room for debate about it. (according to a site that reviews teachers). There's no other alternative that works with my schedule except for a hybrid class - half online, half in class. Online classes cost an extra $300. Hybrids are treated the same.

So basically I'm probably going to have to pay another $300 because my school changed my teacher. Unless I can figure out an alternative, or call them and convince them to drop the extra fee. Not that I expect them to. :mad:


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Hoe was jouw gesprek geweest? Was dat niet deze week?

was ok, maar weet niet of ik die job wel wil.
betreft ongeveer zelfde functie als mijn huidige, alleen moet ik dan veel meer telefoontjes opnemen, iets wat ik hier al heel lang niet meer echt hoef, tenzij het echt rete druk is ofzo.
En dat zie ik wel als een achteruitgang waar ik geen trek in heb.


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
I hate my school.

I was looking up whether a particular class had opened up and noticed that my schedule was different. One of my classes has an entirely different teacher - and he sucks. Badly. No room for debate about it. (according to a site that reviews teachers). There's no other alternative that works with my schedule except for a hybrid class - half online, half in class. Online classes cost an extra $300. Hybrids are treated the same.

So basically I'm probably going to have to pay another $300 because my school changed my teacher. Unless I can figure out an alternative, or call them and convince them to drop the extra fee. Not that I expect them to. :mad:

kick them in the nuts!


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
was ok, maar weet niet of ik die job wel wil.
betreft ongeveer zelfde functie als mijn huidige, alleen moet ik dan veel meer telefoontjes opnemen, iets wat ik hier al heel lang niet meer echt hoef, tenzij het echt rete druk is ofzo.
En dat zie ik wel als een achteruitgang waar ik geen trek in heb.

Tja... valt dan tegen.

Nu, je moet natuurlijk doen wat jou 't best lijkt. En die beslissing kun jij alleen nemen.

Good luck ermee!