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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
How about this, everyone? :D

We got about 26K total last year. We'll have to step it up a lot. But we've done far more in past years. I figured it'd be a reasonable challenge. :D

For you new people who don't know what's going on: basically, our goal is to achieve 50000 posts in this thread, before Wacken 2012. So what do you post? Anything. Anything at all. Even "kjfiwfwi4397u89", for all I care. We're not picky. :D So feel free to post whatever's on your mind. Or make conversation, if other people are posting. Or if not, attempt to type your name with your nose. Or something. We'll need all the posts we can get here, so we like new people.

As for you old people: You know what to do. Do it. :D
No. I don't. What do I do???

(er, am I old btw? :confused: :D)
<insert Quark stating that we're not going to make it>
We're not going to make it. :o
We'll for sure make this one.
We're not going to make it. :o

So first time in long I managed reading back all the new posts :D

Easy, it's only 2 pages. :D


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
Probably the most interesting start for one of this threads I've seen

:D Yea... I wanted to start it in a way that wasn't just saying "go", in case there are people who don't know what these threads are all about. So I figured I'd introduce the idea.

apocalypse or something?

Yep. :D

(Not that I actually believe it'll happen in Dec 2012, obviously.)

Why is it actually opened btw? Is it Wacken yet? :confused:

Well the earliest people are there already, so yea. Figured I waited long enough. Didn't think it mattered all that much since the last one was opened a full week before this one (compared to Wacken that year).

No. I don't. What do I do???

(er, am I old btw? :confused: :D)

We're not going to make it. :o

We're not going to make it. :o



Well you're old in the same sense that I'm old - that is, we know what's going on with these threads. :o


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
Funny how there are most posts going on while the first people are already at Wacken


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
Last full week of school. Yay.

After this I have a half week, then I have 1.5 weeks off. Then I go back again, but it'll be a far easier workload that semester.