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W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
You know, though I'm probably pretty good at selling the majority of electronics, Walmart isn't going to get a lot of sales from me of products I think suck. :D

For example, Apple anything, certain brands of laptops, and especially our software... if they want Microsoft Office, I tell them to download OpenOffice for free. If they want antivirus software, I tell them Norton and McAfee suck and they're better off downloading MalwareBytes or Avast. :D


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
haha. youre mistake :p

24 hours....no one needs that!

Why 24/7? You really have customers? :confused: :eek:

Not a lot, but yes. 24hr stores are nice for people like me that are sometimes up this late and want to grab a snack or something. :D Or have work to do around the house, slept till dark, and need paper towels etc.

2,5 years is still quite a long time for a Windows. Especially when you do lot of things with it. Windows 7 works quite well though.

I like 7. :) I've used XP for ages but this new laptop came with 7. I like it a lot better.


W:O:A Metalgod
8 Juli 2009
You know, though I'm probably pretty good at selling the majority of electronics, Walmart isn't going to get a lot of sales from me of products I think suck. :D

For example, Apple anything, certain brands of laptops, and especially our software... if they want Microsoft Office, I tell them to download OpenOffice for free. If they want antivirus software, I tell them Norton and McAfee suck and they're better off downloading MalwareBytes or Avast. :D

You're good in selling? Though you're shy? :D

HAHA lol. Yeah, pretty good your ideas to download everything for free. :D:D


W:O:A Metalmaster
2 März 2012
SH, Germany
Not a lot, but yes. 24hr stores are nice for people like me that are sometimes up this late and want to grab a snack or something. :D Or have work to do around the house, slept till dark, and need paper towels etc.

I like 7. :) I've used XP for ages but this new laptop came with 7. I like it a lot better.

I got used to this but still have xp on my laptop. But not for long. When I can get to it I'll just put Linux on that one. Maybe I will use it again after that :D