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W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
In other news, I've lately started to suspect I might have developed an allergy to cats. :(

It's never been an issue before even slightly, but when I visit a friend who has cats, they start acting up just like they do with my pollen allergy. And I doubt it's that since it hasn't reacted for a few weeks now - unless enough of it is somehow still circulating in her house. It could also be a number of other things - dust, smoke, flea poison, mold, and whatever else.

If it turns out to be cats, then the universe hates me because I REALLY love cats and have been dying to have one of my own (but I never could - dad's allergies). So it better not be. :o Or worst case scenario, I better find an effective enough way to deal with it...


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
I wish there was some way to tell, short of spending money/time/needle to get tested.

The only thing I've thought of was to take one or more of her cats and put it either in one of our cars or my bedroom. But if I am allergic to cats, then I'd have reactions to it, until I completely cleaned it out again. Outside doesn't help because the allergen is in the air so the wind would blow it away. Don't know what else. :o


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
das Wetter ist (wie immer) kacke auch bei mir:D:(
Hoffentlcih wird's besser nächste Woche. (vor allem in GE)
Hab kein Bock um 2 Zelte mit zu nehmen falls eins nass werden soll. SOVIEL Gepäck kann ich auch nciht tragen.
In other news, I've lately started to suspect I might have developed an allergy to cats. :(

It's never been an issue before even slightly, but when I visit a friend who has cats, they start acting up just like they do with my pollen allergy. And I doubt it's that since it hasn't reacted for a few weeks now - unless enough of it is somehow still circulating in her house. It could also be a number of other things - dust, smoke, flea poison, mold, and whatever else.

If it turns out to be cats, then the universe hates me because I REALLY love cats and have been dying to have one of my own (but I never could - dad's allergies). So it better not be. :o Or worst case scenario, I better find an effective enough way to deal with it...

I don't remember you having troubles when you were here! And we had 3 (or 2) cats walking inside our house (but also outside)!

Though I've heard you can get cats that cannot give you allergies.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I wish there was some way to tell, short of spending money/time/needle to get tested.

The only thing I've thought of was to take one or more of her cats and put it either in one of our cars or my bedroom. But if I am allergic to cats, then I'd have reactions to it, until I completely cleaned it out again. Outside doesn't help because the allergen is in the air so the wind would blow it away. Don't know what else. :o


*sings* Go see the docter!


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
I don't remember you having troubles when you were here! And we had 3 (or 2) cats walking inside our house (but also outside)!

Though I've heard you can get cats that cannot give you allergies.

Yea I didn't. I've only been having issues this past month. Before that, no issue at all.

I've heard that too and looked into it but it's not true. There are some that are easier for people with allergies but that's it.


W:O:A Metalhead
26 Jan. 2011
666 Helvete Rd.
I wish there was some way to tell, short of spending money/time/needle to get tested.

The only thing I've thought of was to take one or more of her cats and put it either in one of our cars or my bedroom. But if I am allergic to cats, then I'd have reactions to it, until I completely cleaned it out again. Outside doesn't help because the allergen is in the air so the wind would blow it away. Don't know what else. :o

apparently there is an allergic test you can do to find it out (that's what I've heard and read)...