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W:O:A Metalmaster
2 März 2012
SH, Germany
Shall we make a formal day/time/place to do it? :)
(Maybe not now, but before the festival :p)

That's by far the easiest you can do.

AND... if you're smart, you'll exchange phone numbers, so you can reach each other as well.

We always did that on the Wednesday we arrived, but as the hard core isn't going anymore... (including a phone lest that was distributed to the participants)

I think it might be good to try to decide about time but also to exchange phone numbers.


W:O:A Metalmaster
8 Mai 2012
I don't really following the newbie thread. This is my only one international thread :)
What about me? If you wanna see a pic, just take a look at the forums gallery.
Other informations...
age: 25
city: munich
music: death metal, melodic death metal (or take a look on my lastfm account --> signature)
work: buyer and salesman for office supplies in special design and advertising stuff.
enough? :D
About me:
Age: 36
Location: Stuttgart , Germany
Male/Female: F
Favorite bands :in Extremo, Grave Digger, Blind Guardian , Moonspell,Tesla ,Warlord...way to much .
Wacken: First in 2007
And when it`s not enough: http://zachia-allesundodernichts.blogspot.de/ ;-)

For the moment... yes i think..
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalhead
26 Jan. 2011
666 Helvete Rd.
Shall we make a formal day/time/place to do it? :)
(Maybe not now, but before the festival :p)

That's by far the easiest you can do.

AND... if you're smart, you'll exchange phone numbers, so you can reach each other as well.

We always did that on the Wednesday we arrived, but as the hard core isn't going anymore... (including a phone lest that was distributed to the participants)

yes, I was going to suggest that:ugly: