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W:O:A Metalmaster
8 Mai 2012
So far they made new mall and I think 3 apartment buildings and healtcare center and still at least one more apartment building under construction. Changing this whole area :)

Ah.. as i said : like in Stuttgart. Old railwaystation : break down, new railwaystation build in the underground , And than : a lot of new( ugly) buildings...


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
when it is finished.. in a few years..

Sounds like the road works on the motorway near my work. I've been working there almost two years and they're still working on it. It looks like it will be finished soon. I wish they'd spend the time/money/effort to resurface a few roads because they are really shit; full of pot holes with dodgy patch work :mad: