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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Now that we are talking about german people I have to share this here. One of my neighbours is this half german family (mother originally from Germany, dad from Finland and they all lived in Germany at first, kids included, and at some point moved to Finland). One day I heard mother and one kid talking and they both used german, finnish and english mixed. Sounded so funny but also made me think about this forum and all of you. :)

My dad and his parents used to do the same thing :p (except just a mix between Italian and English and if you count their dialect as a separate language then...yeah :D)

My brother and I will never forget this one :D :

"No, coffee!"


W:O:A Metalgod
8 Juli 2009
yes yes...of course :o:ugly:
I afree too and I wasn't serious but just had to say it anyway :p
And no, he isn't complicated but actually easy going and just great. Situation just is what it is and that's what makes things complicated. :)
Ah ok. Sounds so serious :ugly:
everyone has had at least once a complicated friend :eek:
actually I don't have one. Great.

Now that we are talking about german people I have to share this here. One of my neighbours is this half german family (mother originally from Germany, dad from Finland and they all lived in Germany at first, kids included, and at some point moved to Finland). One day I heard mother and one kid talking and they both used german, finnish and english mixed. Sounded so funny but also made me think about this forum and all of you. :)
he he. Why? Cause everyone is talking in confusion?! :D


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Now that we are talking about german people I have to share this here. One of my neighbours is this half german family (mother originally from Germany, dad from Finland and they all lived in Germany at first, kids included, and at some point moved to Finland). One day I heard mother and one kid talking and they both used german, finnish and english mixed. Sounded so funny but also made me think about this forum and all of you. :)

Could be my kid(s).

"Pappa, ik kan niet meer trouver mes pantouffles! (Dutch/French) (Tr: daddy, I can't find my slippers)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalhead
26 Jan. 2011
666 Helvete Rd.
Now that we are talking about german people I have to share this here. One of my neighbours is this half german family (mother originally from Germany, dad from Finland and they all lived in Germany at first, kids included, and at some point moved to Finland). One day I heard mother and one kid talking and they both used german, finnish and english mixed. Sounded so funny but also made me think about this forum and all of you. :)

:Dreminds me of something :angel: