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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
If you guys don't hear from me anymore, I'm probably in jail for brutally murdering my room mate....!
No. :(
Aside from all the shit he did from the beginning (not doing his dishes for weeks, loud partying without asking, taking our food and stuff, letting everything lie round in the kitchen, hallway and bathroom, etc.) he busted my patience when he started personally insulting me in front of his friends last week and the next morning I found the shower full of fat yellow pieces of snot. (One isn't really related to the other, but the snot thing just made my head explode after already being pissed for the insults). So I've decided that I won't shut up anymore just to keep it peaceful and started throwing stuff into his room that he had left in the kitchen and hallway for months. And when I left the house, he actually threw it back in the hallway, two times!
Just kick him. 'Nugh said.
It's not like I have the right to do that, we all have our own contracts with the landlord...
Aber in dem Vertrag steht bestimmt dass er handeln soll wie "einen guten Hausvater" (oä), und wenn er das nicht macht, kann er, auf Grund davon rausgeschmissen werden. Ich seh da keine Probleme.

Latürnich kenn ich den Vermieter nicht.