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W:O:A Metalmaster
2 März 2012
SH, Germany
and I'll have "china" noodles today :cool:
and spring rolls

Kind of funny because yesterday I had interesting conversation about use of word noodle :D

Seems that word noodle is used totally differently in Finland and in Germany. We didn't check other countries because who really cares :p

In Finland we usually call noodles just those rice or egg noodles, not really any wheat products and in Germany it seems to be normal word for all kind of wheat products too. (ones I just call pasta). :)


W:O:A Metalmaster
2 März 2012
SH, Germany
Why's that? It's raining over there?

You shouldn't walk around too long with an empty stomach. I get dizzy when I'm doing stuff with an empty stomach. Doesn't happen too often, but I know how it feels for me!

But that's personal I reckon.

It is raining and it's only 6C so cold too :(

But I think I will go now and then make lunch/dinner or what ever it is. :)

I can be without eating for few days easily. I don't get dizzy or anything and yes, it is personal but I think it is also gender thing because men usually can't be without food as well as women (men get cranky too if they are hungry). :p