was what I just said. ;]
forgot about Smoo's other account though.
Maar dan he'k godverdomme zo'n best gedaan samen met Sipy, en dan is da ininne verdwenuh?

was what I just said. ;]
forgot about Smoo's other account though.
Maar dan he'k godverdomme zo'n best gedaan samen met Sipy, en dan is da ininne verdwenuh?
I think they wanted to erase all double (SMAP) posts![]()
Das kann ich nicht akzeptieren!![]()
and everyone's original account still has all of their posts, except mine...
sooo I have no idea.
All the hard word we put in our translations of all songs, all the things I said to myself, and to others as well of course. All is gone into smitherenes (or something like that)
Is it?
not exactly...
you can still read through the entire thread, it's all there.
not exactly...
you can still read through the entire thread, it's all there.
not exactly...
you can still read through the entire thread, it's all there.