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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Damn! just read on the board, that there will be a project tomorrow from 2. - 7. lesson. This shit steals me 4(!) free periods and I have to come to school earlier!! :mad:
Also I'll miss my history lessons and my guitar lessons which means, I'll have to do lots of work at home :mad:

And I don't even know what the shit is about... no one informed us!

This day is getting more and more crappy every time :mad:



W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
I know it well 1) because we learned it in my german class last week, 2) I copied and pasted

it's only considered nazi because hitler ruined it, the song was written before hitler and therefore should not be shortened just because hitler was a jerk

I know it was written before... It's just that some phrases really sound strange (at least to me). Already beginning with "Deutschland, Deutschland über alles!"


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I know it well 1) because we learned it in my german class last week, 2) I copied and pasted

it's only considered nazi because hitler ruined it, the song was written before hitler and therefore should not be shortened just because hitler was a jerk

Nevertheless, you must take into consideration the feelings the Germans have over these parts. Therefore I'd take Sipy's advice. (and I think she's the best person who could know this in this case)


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I know it was written before... It's just that some phrases really sound strange (at least to me). Already beginning with "Deutschland, Deutschland über alles!"

We have a variant:
Schade Deutschland! Alles ist vorbei, alles ist vorbei, alles ist vorbei!
Schade Deutschland! Alles ist vorbei, alles ist vorbei, alles ist vorbei!

But I'm not into the hooligan stuff they call succer (soccer, I know).