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W:O:A Metalhead
have any of you folks out there had the feeling that something is up???? i mean, i have had a good couple days so far, and i feel happy for some reason. i dunno why, but im getting to believe that something is up. to many strange coincidences happening and whatnot, to hard to explain, and i just feel something is going to happen :confused:

but it is different being happy like this though, and no im not on any drugs at all, its just plain weird shit i tell ya what :D


W:O:A Metalgod
23 Apr. 2002
have any of you folks out there had the feeling that something is up???? i mean, i have had a good couple days so far, and i feel happy for some reason. i dunno why, but im getting to believe that something is up. to many strange coincidences happening and whatnot, to hard to explain, and i just feel something is going to happen :confused:

but it is different being happy like this though, and no im not on any drugs at all, its just plain weird shit i tell ya what :D
Maybe someone put something in your water :D