50,000 before W:O:A 2009!

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W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
Did you see my vid from the firefighters? It's what I filmed, when I was there, uploaded it for you and then you were gone :rolleyes:


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
what's the WOA firefighters, and what does a chapel have to do with it?

noo... that's the point! it's not the woa firefighters. It's the Wacken firefighters.
WOA is the name of the festival but
Wacken is the name of the village, where the festival takes place
(hope you know that).

So the Wacken firefighters is the fire brigarde of the village. The firebrigarde has a chapel (very common thing in germany).

This chapel is playing for the WOA every year, but it's doing it just for fun. It's still an own organisation which has nothing to do with the WOA in general


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
noo... that's the point! it's not the woa firefighters. It's the Wacken firefighters.
WOA is the name of the festival but
Wacken is the name of the village, where the festival takes place
(hope you know that).

So the Wacken firefighters is the fire brigarde of the village. The firebrigarde has a chapel (very common thing in germany).

This chapel is playing for the WOA every year, but it's doing it just for fun. It's still an own organisation which has nothing to do with the WOA in general

ah okay. makes sense now! :D
... wacken's the name of the village? :eek: