death to posers!
that would leave a part of the international board empty...
death to posers!
thanks thanks
anyway i said that i wanted to stop at 3001 before wacken buuut.. i dont think i'll stopthere are still 4 working days
that would leave a part of the international board empty...
WHAT!!!??? There are no posers here, well maybe one comes to mind.
that really sucks! The crash did not look that bad.
but the one who died is not the one who crashed first
but the one who have been hitted by the tyre on the head..
look a little closer
look for people claiming to listen to goregrind if they are in the mood, but who do not know one of the biggest goregrind bands if you mention their (well known) abbreviation
Oh wow! I did not realize that was what killed him! That is terrible luck!!!
indeed it is.. because look at the tyre.. how it bounces.. and hits him right in the head and right in the moment he was passing through.. this is.. dont know how to say.. just terrible luck..
(also look how the tyre spins right after hitting him.. this make you understand how much could have been the impact at that speed)