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W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
i love the word pepperoni! :D i dont know how you english-talking changed it from peperoni but it sounds fantastic :D

i love or fresh ones with slices of mozzarella, tomatoes, olives, salad and tuna or chicken salad

or the one with hot salame (you use the term "salami" :D)

Salami/salame is great in sandwiches. I like the ingredients you listed on pizza, minus tuna or chicken salad.


W:O:A Metalgod
7 Aug. 2006
but in Germany you have a sort of Döner which was developed to suit German taste ;)

that´s right. Hmm, I like döner and it´s really healthy food, compared to other fast food. :)

I know, but that is where I ate it, and it was great. The guys who made and sold it looked turkish.

for sure. hmm, and what do you else like? sauerkraut and eisbein? :confused::D
but I think bavarian isn´t german. wie don´t like the bavarians. :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
that´s right. Hmm, I like döner and it´s really healthy food, compared to other fast food. :)

for sure. hmm, and what do you else like? sauerkraut and eisbein? :confused::D
but I think bavarian isn´t german. wie don´t like the bavarians. :D

Well sauerkraut is good on hot dogs/sausages. I have not tried eisbein. My mom used to make roladen, that was great. But I have not eaten it in years.


W:O:A Metalgod
7 Aug. 2006

FUBAR is a 2002 mockumentary film, directed by Michael Dowse, based on the lives of two lifelong friends and head-bangers living out their lives, constantly drinking beer. Fubar debuted at the Sundance Film Festival in the 'Park City at Midnight' category, which previously launched such films as The Blair Witch Project. Since its release, it has gained critical acclaim and a cult status in North America, but especially within Western Canada. It was both filmed and set in and around Calgary and outlying areas in the Canadian province of Alberta.
