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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
yea :rolleyes:

having the same problem with getting a job...
like they say they call me back, but never do... by now I seriously just ask them if I can instead call them

it's not that simple unfortunately :(
for one I have to at least finish high school... and then figure out college

yea :p

like the USA's way of running our schools is completely separate from Germany's system

maybe now you do :p

so what... university will be different from High School and College anyways. So if it's German different or USA different, who cares? And experiencing new stuff is exciting and helps you further ;)
Experience outside your own country helps you also with building an opinion. You see different points of view.
wtf, you're only like 1.5 years older than I am :D:p

*reminds me of remark just heard*


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
but DC is only popping in time by time atm. I guess he's too busy to get his ass kicked right now