W:O:A Metalmaster
I'm off,kiddies.I'll be back tomorrow.Same bat-time.Same bat-channel.
Adios there, old-timer
I'm off,kiddies.I'll be back tomorrow.Same bat-time.Same bat-channel.
I'm off,kiddies.I'll be back tomorrow.Same bat-time.Same bat-channel.
he's calling you kiddies
but actually I can't think of anything special not to say around them. As long as you don't mean it offensive, they shouldn't interpret it as that. If they beat you up anyways, they probably just felt like it
and what does that mean?
oh and the words 'Spaten' and 'Pfosten' turned out to become insults withing the last two or three years... don't ask me why. Just telling you because it's actually normaly words that could be used in a normal sentence