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W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
Crazy. You have your DL and you can't drive here, 'cause you're not 18 yet.
(not you in this case, but you know what I mean)

well she wouldn't be allowed to anyways, because she didn't learn driving by German standards. Like you gotta learn it in driving school. If you practise on the street with your parents as you do it in the US, you might go to jail here :rolleyes: (or probably rather your parents :p )


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
well she wouldn't be allowed to anyways, because she didn't learn driving by German standards. Like you gotta learn it in driving school. If you practise on the street with your parents as you do it in the US, you might go to jail here :rolleyes: (or probably rather your parents :p )

I don't know.
US DL's are recognised in NL (as far as I know) for tourists of course.
And I presume it is valid in the whole Schengen area.
I'm talking about TOURISTS of course.


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
well she wouldn't be allowed to anyways, because she didn't learn driving by German standards. Like you gotta learn it in driving school. If you practise on the street with your parents as you do it in the US, you might go to jail here :rolleyes: (or probably rather your parents :p )

we had driving school too
like you have to pass this 30hr class, including a 6hr part on drinking-and-driving
and then you needed 6 hours of driving with the instructor


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
well she wouldn't be allowed to anyways, because she didn't learn driving by German standards. Like you gotta learn it in driving school. If you practise on the street with your parents as you do it in the US, you might go to jail here :rolleyes: (or probably rather your parents :p )

But if this is true, Chris can't drive next year to Wacken then?
He won't be glad.