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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
this time? Her fantasy is working so much, it's scaring me :p
Well, you told me once too. I'm only "transferring" now. :D
it is a great album, songs are well thought out. agressive black metal combined with nice melodic parts, good vocals, great passages, good points where it is somewhat more peacefull before going back the the more agressive parts.
the instrumental songs are a nice surprise, they are catchy and easy to humm along and the last song is a killer song, great lyrics, easy to listen to even when you are not into black metal that much, one you can shout along at concerts

Is dit in 't NL, of EN?


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
it is a great album, songs are well thought out. agressive black metal combined with nice melodic parts, good vocals, great passages, good points where it is somewhat more peacefull before going back the the more agressive parts.
the instrumental songs are a nice surprise, they are catchy and easy to humm along and the last song is a killer song, great lyrics, easy to listen to even when you are not into black metal that much, one you can shout along at concerts

what band?