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W:O:A Metalhead
31 Dez. 2008
aw, common... it's not that bad. Did you explain to him that it's an 8 hour travel for you though?

I tryed but i've got no answer.
The viva is on 27 january,
the (written)work - delivery terms is on 17 january, and i need some detail for the written work... But she wants to see me for this -.- dunno why


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
I tryed but i've got no answer.
The viva is on 27 january,
the (written)work - delivery terms is on 17 january, and i need some detail for the written work... But she wants to see me for this -.- dunno why

maybe she wants to explain you some stuff which of course would be easier personally. Anyways, it pretty much sucks. My boyfriend is living an 8 hours travel from me so I really know it...