W:O:A Metalgod
- 29 Dez. 2007
- 97.363
- 7
- 123
therefore I'm having pizza and Koorpiklaani
therefore I'm having pizza and Koorpiklaani
dunno... I was at a chiropractor. He 'cracked' my spine back into position... didn't really help on the long term though. He told me that days if it didn't go away until october now, he couldn't really help me further... well I guess october's past
yea... me mum once had a bad accident where she broke her spine 7 times. After she managed to call the ambulance, she started cleaning her feet because she didn't want to look dirty Then she fell into coma... people are weird
last day of freedom
Niet dus.fijne reis!
well yea... a permanent one. Since Ap is living in NL I was traveling a lot to see him. All these rides screwed my spine... I'm having trouble with backpain now since about june. Sometimes it's ok, sometimes it's worse. I'm having days where I need help to get up and sit down and such. Today it's mostly walking that is bothering me...
maybe phisiotheraphy might help...
last day of freedom
Niet dus.
Wéér 'n uur later thuis. Bijna 'n gewoonte. Wat 'n KUT-zooi daaro!
Doesn't help much to me. Same problem (or bit different) and I felt like 80 yesterday.
Read back 4 pages, then I had enough of it.
Anything I need to know? (Guess not)
aw, but I like making up words
het spijt mij *knuffel*Niet dus.
Wéér 'n uur later thuis. Bijna 'n gewoonte. Wat 'n KUT-zooi daaro!
Doesn't help much to me. Same problem (or bit different) and I felt like 80 yesterday.
sorry to hear..
about both things that is
same shit differend page
ow and looks like sipy won't be here in january... so if you have n other ocation (dagje familie ofzo) for your trainticket I would say use it..
same shit differend page
ow and looks like sipy won't be here in january... so if you have n other ocation (dagje familie ofzo) for your trainticket I would say use it..
Dan bras ik 'm op, of ik ga 's kijken of er iets in Leusden is te beleven