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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Niet dus. :mad:
Wéér 'n uur later thuis. Bijna 'n gewoonte. Wat 'n KUT-zooi daaro! :(
well yea... a permanent one. Since Ap is living in NL I was traveling a lot to see him. All these rides screwed my spine... I'm having trouble with backpain now since about june. Sometimes it's ok, sometimes it's worse. I'm having days where I need help to get up and sit down and such. Today it's mostly walking that is bothering me...

maybe phisiotheraphy might help... :(

Doesn't help much to me. Same problem (or bit different) and I felt like 80 yesterday. :(


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
same shit differend page ;)

ow and looks like sipy won't be here in january... so if you have n other ocation (dagje familie ofzo) for your trainticket I would say use it..

well I don't know yet. I said there is probably something at the 23rd... maybe it was Quark coming to your place? I don't know :p