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W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
nah... then I need to deal with two tabs and such... that's far above my skills :p

actually you don't have to...
like I've read back on the Wii, and you can only have one window/tab
you just quote something and post like you normally would, comment on whatever posts since the last time, and then click the little blue arrow to take you back to where you were :p

hm... does 'I felt like it' explain it well enough? :p

sure :D:D


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
actually you don't have to...
like I've read back on the Wii, and you can only have one window/tab
you just quote something and post like you normally would, comment on whatever posts since the last time, and then click the little blue arrow to take you back to where you were :p

sure :D:D

don't like using the blue arrow... blue arrow mean to me :(