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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
they would announce some bands in the nw year right? :D :p

you would think :rolleyes::p
Not that I know about. (and I didn't see anything)
i actually work at my job, imagine that :eek:
No. True?
Unbelievable! Those Americans do work :D:D:D
hopefully me too eventually...
calling a place back at 3 today about a possible job :]
*falls out of chair in shock*

So did I! :D


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
my labor contract is ending in 20 days :(
Thst's shit! :(
you do realize minimum wage here is like $5-6 :rolleyes:
and $7 an hour is enough for me working the rest of the semester... sooo hopefully it's at least that, or more. apparently the place goes up to like $10 an hour, sooo we'll see.
[dunno how to write that in German :p]
You will one day! ;)
and btw... welcome to the thread of massive amounts of pure nothingness. :D

Says the Queen of SMAP! :D