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W:O:A Metalhead
mostly yea... got a camera... funny pink socks... among others :D

it was ok, only got two gifts that were cool, the rest were poopy, oh well. the two presents i liked the most were my external hard drive with 500 gigs of space, and the dark night dvd. its in full screen but i will deal with it, i was going to trade it for wide screen, but thought not to. who knows, i dunno lol


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
it was ok, only got two gifts that were cool, the rest were poopy, oh well. the two presents i liked the most were my external hard drive with 500 gigs of space, and the dark night dvd. its in full screen but i will deal with it, i was going to trade it for wide screen, but thought not to. who knows, i dunno lol

lol nice :D
I never bother with the difference between fullscreen and widescreen... same thing to me :rolleyes::p