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W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
you should forget that and move on! people that don't diserve your friendship don't need your care... at least it works for me. i left behind lots of freakin shit people that i don't like or that betrayed my trust... and guess what... i'm better than them and i can still live my life, my way... so fuck them and let them die in shit and piss :D

yea, I'll have to, I guess :rolleyes:
it sucks though, they were my only somewhat metalhead friends, one of them being the one that introduced me to metal in the first place... and then went with me to every show I've been to so far besides one
I guess I'm going alone from now on...


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
yea, I'll have to, I guess :rolleyes:
it sucks though, they were my only somewhat metalhead friends, one of them being the one that introduced me to metal in the first place... and then went with me to every show I've been to so far besides one
I guess I'm going alone from now on...

Well, we're still here, despite the fact that we're on the other side of the world.
At least you won't be alone during the (European) festival tour you're doing. (except me not going to Graspop :rolleyes: )