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W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
im gonna learn JAPANESE!!!!!!! my dad got his girlfriend the japanese rosetta stone program for the computer, so im gonna load it on mine too and learn japanese :D:D

nice, have fun with it :p
just be warned, any Asian language is pretty different from English...
like my dad, who knows Japanese, said you have to think in a completely different way :rolleyes:


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
Good luck with it! Recently I tried really hard to learn some Finnish, but I gave up after 2 months.... Might try it with an easier language soon :rolleyes:

I tried Finnish once with an online thing...
it sucked though, basically it just asked you to translate a word and gave you multiple choices to choose from, and you just had to guess at first... kept asking you the same group of questions until you finally figured it out, and then it moved on to another set of words :rolleyes:
anyway after the first three lessons it said you had to pay, sooo that was the end of that :p
don't really remember a thing :D