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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Oh yes... a very important question!!!!!

Beer Bongs @ WOA????

Say I try a new beer, and it tastes bloody terrible. I can't throw it away or tip it out, for that is blasphemy (of the metal kind)....

Is it common to see Beer Bongs at WOA? Should we start a new.... (trend is really too much of a trendy word...)..... tradition?

Last New Years was my first Inverted Beer Bong of Blasphemy, it really is hard to do a Beer Bong whilst upside down, but I did it :D

Anyone game?

Not for me! I have to "ride" back home!



W:O:A Metalmaster
18 Juni 2007
Marburg, Hessen
Oh yes... a very important question!!!!!

Beer Bongs @ WOA????

Say I try a new beer, and it tastes bloody terrible. I can't throw it away or tip it out, for that is blasphemy (of the metal kind)....

Is it common to see Beer Bongs at WOA? Should we start a new.... (trend is really too much of a trendy word...)..... tradition?

Last New Years was my first Inverted Beer Bong of Blasphemy, it really is hard to do a Beer Bong whilst upside down, but I did it :D

Anyone game?

I must attempt this "inverted beer bong of blasphemy" at once :cool: