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W:O:A Metalhead
29 Jan. 2006
Under the sign of the Octagon
agresionpower schrieb:
well I don't car if somebody sees me pissing of shitting either
I think, there is a topic in the WOA discussion (one of the forums at the very top of the forum page) about the poorly-closing-doors of those Dixi-toilets in the festival area.

The locks there are shitty indeed, and I had that a couple times last year, that someone opened the door while I was inside... so what?

SHIT happens. Everywhere... :D


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Huldran schrieb:
I think, there is a topic in the WOA discussion (one of the forums at the very top of the forum page) about the poorly-closing-doors of those Dixi-toilets in the festival area.

The locks there are shitty indeed, and I had that a couple times last year, that someone opened the door while I was inside... so what?

SHIT happens. Everywhere... :D

yes it does :D
when I'm in a pub and some of my friends or taking a piss I always make fun of they're dicks... they don't like it :p
but I don't fucking care if somebody sees mine..


W:O:A Metalhead
29 Jan. 2006
Under the sign of the Octagon
agresionpower schrieb:
yes it does :D
when I'm in a pub and some of my friends or taking a piss I always make fun of they're dicks... they don't like it :p
but I don't fucking care if somebody sees mine..

I once strayed into a male toilet @one of the local clubs, during a concert, and after quite a few beers :D ... as I was done with my business and was walking out, the guys stared at me as if I were an alien - but I couldn't care less. :D