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14 Juli 2008
Heyho folks :)
I'm back after ~11 hours of traveling because our car broke down at the campground :eek: it said Motor Systemfehler.
yay. went to Besdorf to wait for the ADAC and then went to Itzehoe to wait @sixt for another car..then we changed our Ford Focus into a Renault Scenic and left our trailer @Ford Zunker in Itzehoe..So on wednesday we have to go back to (Wacken) Itzehoe^^ and get the car -.-

Now I think about ordering my xmas-ticket :)
361 days left :)

I'm sorry that I wasn't at the meetings..But too lazy and tired and wet and so on :(
But I saw Sipy, Holly, Mai-Ly, John and a crazy guy from Australia whose nick I cannot remember right now.
And Rammsteiner^^