yeah, okay. they don't need to know what Wacken is..Und wenn du nicht gerade sagst, dass es ein Festival mit tausenden von Betrunkenen ist, würds ihnen ja nix ausmachen
Have to go again.
2hrs ride ahead of me.
pizza or noodlesoup today?
Have to go again.
2hrs ride ahead of me.
Pizza is yummier than noodlesoup .. at least for me
yeah, but pizza doesn't fit in my dietplan and at least I'll throw it away on tuesday
yeah Wacken & dietplans dont work well together
I hope I won't get the 2 kg back I already lost^^
it could happen if you drink much beer .. Mai-ly & me will drink on your behalf if you want
but we won't take such tasty beer with us don't know if I'll drink much..
why not taking tasty beer ??
because taking cheap beer^^ and it doesn't taste very well..I tried 2.5 yesterday. And we take 120 cans of 5,0. perhaps you've heard of it..
nope i dont know it .. i dont care much cause after the 4th beer .. all kinds taste the same for me