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W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007

Need to hand in some papers till sunday so I won't get kicked out of university. Unfortunatly they need to be signed by people who all have different office hours at different days and I need to bring them to an office that's only opened tuesday and thursday. So I can't leave before I handed this in on thursday. Even if someone else brought it there for me, I would have to wait till tomorrow noon to get my last signature.


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
Need to hand in some papers till sunday so I won't get kicked out of university. Unfortunatly they need to be signed by people who all have different office hours at different days and I need to bring them to an office that's only opened tuesday and thursday. So I can't leave before I handed this in on thursday. Even if someone else brought it there for me, I would have to wait till tomorrow noon to get my last signature.

Stupid bullshit, why can't our offices just be opened every day? Lazy bastards!