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W:O:A Metalmaster
13 März 2009
it exists?! hä? Thought....what ever :o:D

I'm fine, just a few week until my vacation starts.
How are you?

I'll use hadn't!

I got a headache, partially from forcing myself to do my daily German lessons again (I took a break, partially because of the headache) and partially from figuring out university stuff.

I'm considering taking a German class in University, but, the problem is they only have two and I already know most of it? :\ So I might take Russian because I don't think I could bear French, Mandarin or another Spanish class.


W:O:A Metalgod
8 Juli 2009
I got a headache, partially from forcing myself to do my daily German lessons again (I took a break, partially because of the headache) and partially from figuring out university stuff.

I'm considering taking a German class in University, but, the problem is they only have two and I already know most of it? :\ So I might take Russian because I don't think I could bear French, Mandarin or another Spanish class.

ah ok :D

Mhhh makes sense....but what will you do with Russian?! :confused: Ok you know the most of it, but they'll upgrade the "level", right?! So, it would be not clever to take Russian.


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 März 2009
ah ok :D

Mhhh makes sense....but what will you do with Russian?! :confused: Ok you know the most of it, but they'll upgrade the "level", right?! So, it would be not clever to take Russian.

They won't upgrade the level because they only have two classes. I would be learning as if I knew nothing before. I'm at the level where I can read http://www.amazon.com/Fünf-Freunde-...=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1309336308&sr=8-1 this book with only a bit of difficulty.

Russian is because I know I have somebody I can practice with, and I'd learn something. I'd rather do German, but I don't want to spend $1200 when I already know the class.


W:O:A Metalgod
8 Juli 2009
They won't upgrade the level because they only have two classes. I would be learning as if I knew nothing before. I'm at the level where I can read http://www.amazon.com/Fünf-Freunde-...=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1309336308&sr=8-1 this book with only a bit of difficulty.

Russian is because I know I have somebody I can practice with, and I'd learn something. I'd rather do German, but I don't want to spend $1200 when I already know the class.
Oh cool, more than 500 pages. and what about talking German?

Okay, you have to pay for it? Yeah, then you shouldn't take German
Hey Careo, you're German. Is "iss das nicht" right for saying "don't eat that" (imperativ)?
yes it is