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W:O:A Metalhead
2 Apr. 2010
Cyprus, Nicosia
hello Wacken forum people!!
I felt like spamming a bit... so here it is: I just created a new metal webzine (well, for now it's a blog..) called MetalRecusants... it's going to be dedicated mostly to underground/less-known bands... but will also feature other kind of articles (like non-metal music/movies/books etc etc) during the summer we are going ".com" ;)
Here it is www.metalrecusants.wordpress.com there are already 3 interviews and a few articles. Feel free to comment and you can also join on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/MetalRecusants/203739676322821

p.s. i don't have much time now as i have my final exams ina few months... during the summer i will be spamming like hell hehe
thanks for viewing the site in advance!


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
hello Wacken forum people!!
I felt like spamming a bit... so here it is: I just created a new metal webzine (well, for now it's a blog..) called MetalRecusants... it's going to be dedicated mostly to underground/less-known bands... but will also feature other kind of articles (like non-metal music/movies/books etc etc) during the summer we are going ".com" ;)
Here it is www.metalrecusants.wordpress.com there are already 3 interviews and a few articles. Feel free to comment and you can also join on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/MetalRecusants/203739676322821

p.s. i don't have much time now as i have my final exams ina few months... during the summer i will be spamming like hell hehe
thanks for viewing the site in advance!

good luck with it! :)