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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
well if I wouldn't need to work.... :D

I actually sometimes wake up in the weekend and then feel like having a drink right away, I never do though, because I know I'll be seriously getting myself into trouble that way.

I've seen it enough when people get their beer at 7.30 in the morning in a (local) pub in a station in Belgium. And no problem to get one either!


W:O:A Metalmaster
11 Juli 2008
well if I wouldn't need to work.... :D

I actually sometimes wake up in the weekend and then feel like having a drink right away, I never do though, because I know I'll be seriously getting myself into trouble that way.

You just need to be two persons or more and german. Call it "Frühschoppen", baby.:cool: