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W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
You never know (how a cow can catch a hare).

And I've seen your FB comment about it.

That's not the only thing, actually. Recently they've been trying to pass a bill to legalize alcohol sales on Sundays [GA is one of I believe three states in the US that bans it], or rather leave it up to local city governments to decide. As you know, I not only don't drink but I won't do/buy things on Sunday, and I'm not even 21. :D So that law doesn't affect me whatsoever, but still, it's only because of Republicans letting religion get in the way. I don't see the point in taking away people's ability to buy whatever they want.

Plus on a practical level, wouldn't it be better for people to be able to buy alcohol on Sunday and take it home to drink, rather than people getting drunk in bars and driving home [which, they will sell alcohol in bars]?

This why both Democrats and Republicans, and thus GA and most of the US as a whole, suck. :o


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
That's not the only thing, actually. Recently they've been trying to pass a bill to legalize alcohol sales on Sundays [GA is one of I believe three states in the US that bans it], or rather leave it up to local city governments to decide. As you know, I not only don't drink but I won't do/buy things on Sunday, and I'm not even 21. :D So that law doesn't affect me whatsoever, but still, it's only because of Republicans letting religion get in the way. I don't see the point in taking away people's ability to buy whatever they want.

Plus on a practical level, wouldn't it be better for people to be able to buy alcohol on Sunday and take it home to drink, rather than people getting drunk in bars and driving home [which, they will sell alcohol in bars]?

This why both Democrats and Republicans, and thus GA and most of the US as a whole, suck. :o

I know NY doesn't allow alc to be sold on Sundays. I found out when I wanted to buy beer at a Wall Mart. (Closest I could go to alone)

And stupid laws should be banned. Thus... a ban on alc. sales on Sunday too. The religious people can always decide to ban it themselves.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
so you can buy whatever.. but no alcohol on sunday? :confused:


You can't pay for it, thus you have to leave it behind. It's ridiculous!
I went for I don't know what, plus a tray of beer. I couldn't take the beer, New York State Law prohibited it. :(
So I had to go back the next day. So much for a 24/7 economy. :/

If I go to a GB / Carrefour here on Sunday, I can buy beer as well. No problem. (I guess Albert Heijn does the same)
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