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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
you can also order it without the cheese ;)
and it doesn't have that much...

I'd have to do that quickly then, In Wallonia they've never heard of that, and I am not intending to introduce such a meal to them. (if only for an unknown price I'd have to pay)

No, thanks.

And I doubt that the Shoarma-boer (the bloke that sells it here) knows what I mean with that. I'm not taking any chances.

Besides, I prefer a "broodje shoarme" with garlick sauce! :p

You can wake me up for that. :D (but you can't, since no shoarme-boer in Almere is willing to deliver in Neerpelt, nor is any Neerpelt shoarma-boer willing to take orders from someone outside Neerpelt (as he risks not getting paid)
So I don't have to worry.



Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
But it's time to hit a soft board, to go horizontally, to lay down, to see the inside of my eyes (ja, ik zeg 't ;) :D:D:D), to go to dream land, to see if I can recuperate, or regenerate or do-I-know-what.

Gute Nacht, und süße Träume!


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
I'd have to do that quickly then, In Wallonia they've never heard of that, and I am not intending to introduce such a meal to them. (if only for an unknown price I'd have to pay)

No, thanks.

And I doubt that the Shoarma-boer (the bloke that sells it here) knows what I mean with that. I'm not taking any chances.

Besides, I prefer a "broodje shoarme" with garlick sauce! :p

You can wake me up for that. :D (but you can't, since no shoarme-boer in Almere is willing to deliver in Neerpelt, nor is any Neerpelt shoarma-boer willing to take orders from someone outside Neerpelt (as he risks not getting paid)
So I don't have to worry.


wel kapsalon of course is a true dutch multiculti dish :D

I rather have donor then shoarma to be honest.
I just think it's nicer.