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W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
so are you just going to stay in hemmingstedt or do you have other plans too?

Since all my friends are gonna be home for vacations too, I'm gonna party like a madman :D

But actually don't know yet. Priority will be finding a new apartment. When that's figured out, I might start planning other things. E.g. visiting a friend in NRW or that trip to the US... gotta see if I can make any of those things


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Since all my friends are gonna be home for vacations too, I'm gonna party like a madman :D

But actually don't know yet. Priority will be finding a new apartment. When that's figured out, I might start planning other things. E.g. visiting a friend in NRW or that trip to the US... gotta see if I can make any of those things

will finding a new apartment be hard?