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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Oh God I'm so stuffed! My friends and I went to a volunteer hub and guided us to one of many affected streets. The mud consistancy was similar to that of mud wrestling and anywhere between ankle and knee deep. Only difference being there were peoples possessions, broken tiles, bottles of poisons, diesel fuel and God knows what else mixed in with it. The smell was pretty horrible and even made cigarette smoke a little inviting. By the end of it I had mud caked on from my hair/hat down to my gum boots and some even got into my ear which wasn't fun.

Basically what we ended up doing was shovelling mud out of the gutters, roads, footpaths and driveways and either down the stormwater drain, back onto the lawn or into a wheelie bin (and into the Brisbane river I think). The volunteers that weren't shovelling shit cooked food for us or walked/drove refreshments to us. I really wanted to introduce my shovel to the face of everyone walking around with digital cameras in their hand and not a speck of mud on them.

After all that effort I'm sunburned, my hip is out of place and I can barely walk. I don't think I'll be able to go out tomorrow which is so disappointing. I'm hoping to make it out next weekend or perhaps some time mid-week.