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W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
well it's still pretty damn early isn't it? :p

but fucking hell, judas priest.. I need to see them.. specially since this is my last chance ever.
Yea, I still kick myself for not seeing Dio at Wacken
still in germany? :)
Yea, tomorrow's the last day. My brother's got such a bad luck with electronics. He bought himself a gamer notebook for some 1,5k and after only half a year there was actual smoke streaming out of it and now it's done for :/


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
Yea, I still kick myself for not seeing Dio at Wacken

Yea, tomorrow's the last day. My brother's got such a bad luck with electronics. He bought himself a gamer notebook for some 1,5k and after only half a year there was actual smoke streaming out of it and now it's done for :/

I'm helping him claiming the warrant, since he's not too bright with this kinda stuff