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W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Juli 2006
A crazy men's Utopia
yea, I noticed that... I could imagine.

my parents where like: expensive on one side, but they did see the use and they know it is better for my back then the army bag I have now.

coz that army back is just one big compartment and when I put it on my back everything just goes down to the bottom and with the other back you can strap stuff on, put it in the side pockets etc so the weight is more evenly placed over my whole back


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
my parents where like: expensive on one side, but they did see the use and they know it is better for my back then the army bag I have now.

coz that army back is just one big compartment and when I put it on my back everything just goes down to the bottom and with the other back you can strap stuff on, put it in the side pockets etc so the weight is more evenly placed over my whole back

makes sense.