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<span style="color:black">Moderator</span>
15 Juni 2003
'Evening, squire!

(stiffly) Good evening.

Is, uh,... Is your wife a goer, eh? Know whatahmean, know whatahmean, nudge nudge, know whatahmean, say no more?

I, uh, I beg your pardon?

Your, uh, your wife, does she go, eh, does she go, eh?

Well, she sometimes 'goes', yes.

Aaaaaaaah bet she does, I bet she does, say no more, say no more, know whatahmean, nudge nudge?

I'm afraid I don't quite follow you.

Follow me. Follow me. That's good, that's good! A nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat!

Are you, uh,... are you selling something?

SELLING! Very good, very good! Ay? Ay? Ay? Oooh! Ya wicked Ay! Wicked Ay! Oooh hooh! Say No MORE!

Is, your uh, is your wife a sport, ay?

Um, she likes sport, yes!

I bet she does, I bet she does!

As a matter of fact she's very fond of cricket.

'Oo isn't? Likes games, eh? Knew she would. Likes games, eh? She's been around a bit, been around?

She has traveled, yes. She's from Scarsdale.

SAY NO MORE!! Scarsdale, saynomore, saynomore, saynomore, squire!

I wasn't going to!

Oh! Well, never mind. Dib dib? Is your uh, is your wife interested in... photography, ay? 'Photographs, ay', he asked him knowlingly?

Snap snap, grin grin, wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more?

Holiday snaps, eh?

They could be, they could be taken on holiday. Candid, you know, CANDID photography?

No, no I'm afraid we don't have a camera.

Oh. Still, mooooooh, ay? Mwoohohohohoo, ay? Hohohohohoho, ay?

Look... are you insinuating something?

Oh, no, no, no... yes.

Well, you're a man of the world, squire.

I mean, you've been around a bit, you know, like, you've, uh... You've 'done it'...

What do you mean?

Well, I mean like,... you've SLEPT, with a lady...

Holy shit. This is genious. :D