you should get used to it
disgruntled employee shots up colleagues happens all the time in US
you should get used to it
disgruntled employee shots up colleagues happens all the time in US
nah... we just all lose our jobs because the economy's screwed.
shoot at the ecnomoy
oh okay, let me go get my machine gun
shoot your way to england first
how would I do that?
if you REALLY want to...youll find a way
it wouldn't involve a gun though.
Sipyloidea 13,227
dittohead 11,543
xforeverxmetalx 10,293
Smoo_lord 6,822
808Metal 6,643
Quark 6,090
Quarkyloidea 5,069
Lady_Wolf 4,489
FromTheToedden 3,289
agresionpower 2,030
gee jay 1,808
FromTheToedden2 1,543
mental_mercury 1,437
FromTheToedden3 1,429
FromTheToedden4 1,287
uncl3.ph1lb3rt 1,211
xforeverxmetalx2 905
FromTheToedden5 831
cyber999 548
bumpzilla 439
trala 428
Ærnesto 419
elhuesos 418
Falconius 273
FromTheToedden6 236
FromTheToedden9 228
FromTheToedden8 227
FromTheToedden7 227
FromTheToedden11 225
FromTheToedden10 225
FromTheToedden12 223
grinsekatze666 180
Deeno 168
Coremümmel 113
Slex 101
Motörphetamine 100
Sinders 98
Hell's Ambassador 94
Mindfucked 84
satriomaiden 72
Solskinn Av Natten 69
Lord Bubba 53
LooseCannon 31
Zombi 28
Kate McGee 25
martinsys 25
MetalViking 19
DaveAus 17
~Chris~ 16
lifesadream 16
Demonfighter 8
MikeD 6
Lionzz 5
starlight 4
FallenOne 4
Spider-Schwein 3
simwells 3
Fette 2
BenzaiTen 2
slayerizer 1
Nydhoeggr 1
Drex 1
DarkTool 1
El Barto 1
lkky00245 1
yvesz 1
Rockarolla 1