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W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
Autopsy was a death metal band, founded in 1987 in the United States by Chris Reifert after leaving Death.

Beginning their career with the Severed Survival LP, Autopsy took on a sound similar to that of Scream Bloody Gore era Death, but soon moved on to a doom metal influenced sound for the Retribution for the Dead EP. The next full-length, Mental Funeral, would expand on Autopsy's "Death/doom" style of metal, and was met with great critical acclaim. Having completed a successful European tour soon after Mental Funeral, the band reentered the studio to record the Fiend for Blood EP, which was followed by their third full-length, Acts of the Unspeakable. Autopsy's last album, 1994's Shitfun, was heavily influenced by hardcore punk and would prepare fans for Abscess, Danny Coralles and Chris Reifert's project after Autopsy's demise in 1995.

Autopsy was featured in the 2005 music documentary Metal: A Headbanger's Journey when the films narrator and star read aloud a verse from the band's song "Charred Remains".


W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
Burning from the inside out
Bloody foam spews from your mouth
Smell the putrid stench of flesh
As it burns you to your death

Feel the flesh drip from your face
Turning black, vision fades
Eyeballs melt into their sockets
Involuntarily set ablaze

Gutwrenching screams fill the air
The rancid smell of burning hair
Screaming in excruciating pain
Blood boils over, warping veins
Burnt skull collapses onto melting brains
Spontaneous death, up in flames
Twisting and writhing as life burns away
Until nothing is left but charred remains