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  1. M

    New band confirmed - Stone Gods

    eurgh. It's the darkness, without the good bit. It's like having a pizza with no toppings. or more like with no toppings and a punch in the face. this is pathetic.
  2. M

    W:O:A DVD 2007 - available: 23rd may 2008

    same... can relive last year :D
  3. M

    New band confirmed - Stam1na

    who the fuck is this band? ffs. this festival's going downhill quick.
  4. M

    New band confirmed - Mustasch

    who cares if Satyr is a diva, a festival's concern should be the fans not how well they get on with the bands..
  5. M

    UPDATE: Running Order 2008

    gorgoroth and crematory and ex grind fuckers at once? and i think there was something pushing out a WET stage band... and in general, saturday's gunna blow asides from Nightwish and i think a band in the morning... It's at least 20 times worse than last year's line-up.
  6. M

    New band confirmed - Mustasch

    yeah, i severely want Satyricon to be announced. they're playing festivals in that area around that time, why not just get the on board?
  7. M

    Neue Band bestätigt - Avenged Sevenfold

    gah. this fucking sucks. *prays Satyricon for next announcement*
  8. M

    New band confirmed - Kamelot

    Pretty awesome announcement. not that it wasn't obvious :P
  9. M

    New band confirmed - Airbourne

    pretty poor.
  10. M

    New band confirmed - Watain

    Meh, i liked some of the newer Gorgoroth, and I respect King Ov Hell for his Sahg work, so it'll be good. And Watain on the WET Stage, WTF?? so fucking annoying
  11. M

    New bands confirmed - Negura Bunget and Alestorm

    Negura Bunget are so good. i'm so glad they're playing. Not so bothered about Alestorm..