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  • Hey Veronymus,
    If you still have the two tickets, I'd like to buy them :)
    My friend and I are searching for tickets soo long and really want to go to Wacken next year!
    Looking forward to hear from you ;)

    Do you still have the both Tickets? If yes, could I get them, please? I would be sooooo glad visiting Wacken next year! I will take all logistical costs. I want to surprise my boyfriend. He is so sad about having no ticket and his birthday is not far.

    Looking forward to hearing of you!

    Best regards
    Dat Sandy
    Hey veronymous,

    Did you sell the tickets yet??, because i'm really interested in buying them for me and my girlfriend for our first wacken experience,

    Ps srry for the all messages,(i think this is my fourth message)

    sorry about that. I totally forgot: My mom lives in Germany. So you could sent the tickets to her (or the US, I guess whatever works best for you!) =)

    da ich noch 3 Tickets brauche, wären deine 2 schon richtig geil. Ich brauch die Tickets auch nicht als Geburtstags- oder Weihnachtsgeschenk oder so ein Scheiß. Ich brauche die einfach für MICH! Gib mir Bescheid wenn du Sie mir verkaufen willst.

    Grüße vom Bodensee
    :) Hey, ich bin natürlich auch heiß darauf. Was soll ich sagen, du entscheidest dich sicherlich richtig :)

    Liebe Grüße Bianca
    i really really really really want to buy those two tickets for me and my girlfriend, so that we can go to wacken for the first time!

    pn is send, once we get there let me buy you a beer or two(or something else if you don't like beer)
    Hey i would like to by both of the tickets for me and my gf. She has birthday during the WOA so it would be an nice surprise :D
    I would pay you 10€more and take the shipping costs if you can send it per last name couse i live in germany
    Hey i see you have two tickets to sell.
    Can i buy 1 of those or do you want to sell them both in 1 go?

    Hope to hear from you soon.


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