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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
i've found the really fast ones to be dangerous too...

If anything this is me having a whinge. On my way home today, the first person was going slow in the fast lane (I had to be in this lane as I was turning), then drifted literally half way into the left lane without indicating. I took this as a notion to change lanes, but no...just a terrible driver that drifted back to the lane they were in originally :uff:

Then I got to a "form one lane" section...first someone sped up to close in on the gap I was going to take, but then they stopped being a dick and gave me room, but then some idiot in front just stopped and hoped for a space when it was almost one lane anyway. This driver was also slow and I didn't even have to speed to get past them and they disappeared into the distance.

From what I see, the slow drivers are the ones that think road markings are imaginary :uff: Sigh, at least some fast drivers are actually paying attention to what's going on around them...


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
If anything this is me having a whinge. On my way home today, the first person was going slow in the fast lane (I had to be in this lane as I was turning), then drifted literally half way into the left lane without indicating. I took this as a notion to change lanes, but no...just a terrible driver that drifted back to the lane they were in originally :uff:

Then I got to a "form one lane" section...first someone sped up to close in on the gap I was going to take, but then they stopped being a dick and gave me room, but then some idiot in front just stopped and hoped for a space when it was almost one lane anyway. This driver was also slow and I didn't even have to speed to get past them and they disappeared into the distance.

From what I see, the slow drivers are the ones that think road markings are imaginary :uff: Sigh, at least some fast drivers are actually paying attention to what's going on around them...

Now I know why I hate going by car! Too many idiots on the road.