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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
42 Year old Roger Tullgren from the south Swedisch Hässleholm, can call himself the first man of the world, who can officially claim, that he's unable to work, due to his taste of ...... music
Before a court, he could mentally prove that it is impossible to get a decent job. Tullgren signed a document which states that his metal lifestyle disables him.

"I signed a form, which says: 'Roger feels obliged to himself to openly live his heavy metal lifestyle. This makes his chances on the jobmarket worse, that's why he needs financial help.'", the heavy metal man declared to Swedish newspaper "The Local" Last year Tullgren visited, according to him, more than 300 concerts, and lost his job on many occasions. On top of that, he lost his regular job.

Now Tullgren is working as a dish washer, next to his concerts. His boss allows him to listen to music on his job. He can wear his patches as well. And his boss igves him the day off to visit concerts. As long as he recuperate his lost hours, boulevard website 20min.ch writes.

In an article about this curious case, a psychologist thought: "I think that such is rather rare. Wenn someone is addicted on gambling, we try to cure him, and not to incourage him". What would be the alternative?
Should the job agency in Hässleholm put the good man into a rehab?, A delicate case.

http://magazine.web.de/de/themen/un...eavy-Metal,cc=000005537900047602841yygnJ.html (in German)

Swedish "the Local" (in English)

Planet Internet nieuwsj (in Dutch)

http://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/article524917.ab (in Swedish, where it all started ;))

This is TOO great! I'm gonna try the same thing!!!

(in Belgium)

Of course I'm WAITING for Gnoff or mugabe to react...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
42 Year old Roger Tullgren from the south Swedisch Hässleholm, can call himself the first man of the world, who can officially claim, that he's unable to work, due to his taste of ...... music
Before a court, he could mentally prove that it is impossible to get a decent job. Tullgren signed a document which states that his metal lifestyle disables him.

Of course I'm WAITING for Gnoff or mugabe to react...

I've seen interviews with him and he seems to suffer from bad hearing and also I guess he don't take responsibility for his life.