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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
What a bullshit!!! One can notice that there are elections coming up in 4 weeks! And especially in Belgium, where, next to the European elections, there's also general elections for the federal state and the state elections! Politicians making empty promises to the population, and breaking them right the day after!

And it's useless anyway, because I know whom I vote for. Both in the Netherlands as well as in Belgium.


W:O:A Metalhead
19 Dez. 2017
I lurk here everyday and like smf4ever have nothing that interesting to say really. If it goes ahead, got a hot air balloon flight tonight over Nottingham, have got Kiss in Manchester and Rammstein in Milton Keynes and Berlin coming up...and of course Wacken. :)


W:O:A Metalhead
I lurk here everyday and like smf4ever have nothing that interesting to say really. If it goes ahead, got a hot air balloon flight tonight over Nottingham, have got Kiss in Manchester and Rammstein in Milton Keynes and Berlin coming up...and of course Wacken. :)
Busy busy! :)

I literally have nothing before Wacken. Even our metal festival, HeavyMTL, is the weekend before Wacken but my flight is on Sunday so I can't make it.

I will make beer instead :)

My last competition that I've participated :
Table 2 - Got the gold!
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