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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
you have no idea how much I'm envying you in this very moment:ugly:
Well, it's just a bit more than ONE month, and you'll be here on Belgian territory. So... I wouldn't worry that much.

And I'll get that day off, so... I'll pick you up from Charleroi Airport as well. Free transportation to Brussels as well included.

(but from Brussels to Mol, you can get one for free via the site of www.nmbs.be/graspop or www.sncb.be/graspop)
I wish it was Friday for me as well :(

It's just a few more hours.


W:O:A Metalhead
26 Jan. 2011
666 Helvete Rd.
Well, it's just a bit more than ONE month, and you'll be here on Belgian territory. So... I wouldn't worry that much.

And I'll get that day off, so... I'll pick you up from Charleroi Airport as well. Free transportation to Brussels as well included.

(but from Brussels to Mol, you can get one for free via the site of www.nmbs.be/graspop or www.sncb.be/graspop)

It's just a few more hours.

:):) very kind of you:p:angel::ugly:;)

I mean, it won't be a Friday for me because I must stay at home studying for the last exams!!!! 14 days and I'll be in Germany...33 in Belgium!!:rolleyes::)


W:O:A Metalmaster
8 Mai 2012
i love when my parents visit me... but i think i `ll also love it when they go on monday...:angel:
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